Sunday, June 6, 2010

Travel Destination: Caribbean Weekend Getaways

The next time you are looking for a weekend getaway, why not head to the islands than piling in to the automobile for a drive up to the lake? In case you live in the eastern U.S. or Canada, the Caribbean can be a viable (& affordable) weekend location!

The keys to a lovely weekend getaway location in the Caribbean are simple:

Location: You don't need to spend half of your weekend getaway on a plane, so the best weekend getaways are either close to the U.S. or have fast flight connections -- ideally, two hours or less by air.
Transportation: The more airlines serving your location, the more flight options you'll have. Popular destinations also have more nonstop service, meaning faster flight times.
Cost: More competition among airlines usually equals cheaper airfares, in markets serviced by low-cost carriers. Ditto for destinations that have multiple resorts vying for your business. You don't need to break the bank for a few days away, even in the event that they are spent basking in the Caribbean sun.
Convenient hotels & attractions: Getting to the airport is only half the battle; once you arrive at your location, you don't need to be spending more time in a bus or shuttle trying to get to your hotel. & once at your hotel, you won't need to be spending your precious weekend hours driving to far-off attractions.

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