The Burma Andaman sea is a almost unexplored part of the Indian Ocean bordering India, Bangladesh, Burma and partly Thailand with almost no contact to any foreigners except the Thai part. The last times foreigners were seen in the Andaman Sea was during British colonial time, now slowly some "live aboard" diving tours are offered out of Thailand .
From the end of British colonial times until recent days no foreigners have been allowed into the Myeik / Mergui archipelago, the area off the Burma Tanintharyi / Tennasserim coast.
The Andaman Sea around is dotted with more than 800 untouched islands, densely forested with jungle, usually a frontline of white beaches and sometimes rocks.
One of the very few “virgin” places on this planet, above and under the ocean surface. In 1990 the Burma government changed the mostly English names of the islands to native names. On all the islands there are no hotels or similar, except one very near to the Thai border but on a Burma island, this resort includes a casino.
If you ever might go to the islands, don’t be shy to ask if you can stay in one on the houses. Pls. keep in mind to pay accordingly.
Since the end of the 90 - ties some diving companies operating out of Phuket, Thailand, got permission to explore the waters.
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